What tips would you want to give your younger self?
You grow with every experience, so embrace the ups and the downs. Also, be quicker to distance yourself from people who are not good for you and not helping you to achieve your goals.
What is the coolest thing about your job?
Being able to see the impact of what I am doing and getting the feeling that what I do is making a difference.
What are the challenges of your job?
Making sure that you do not lose focus on your goals for the company and ensuring that your companions on your journey still share this vision.
What do you appreciate about CNB?
They have an amazing founder-mindset and live up to their long-term investment claims of creating something together.
Have you benefited from interactions with other founders in CNB’s portfolio?
Meeting other founders at CNB’s Portfolio Days allowed us to see that many of the challenges we were facing were not unique to us and form valuable relationships.
What book would you recommend to a founder?
Nassim Taleb: The Black Swan – a true classic, it makes you question data and how this can impact your decision-making processes.